Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Flowers

We've had an very early spring and in the last week temperatures have ranged wildly from the high 80s to the low 40s. We took a walk in a sweet residential neighborhood right behind the Battery this afternoon and I enjoyed looking at yards, behind gates, and generally at plants. One of the things I've always liked about Charleston is you don't have to have your entire house and yard in tip top shape. You can pull it off with one small bed running down the side of your house, or around one tree. It sort of takes the pressure off. Here are some of the pretty spots we saw. (Google's Picasa has given you all kinds of new photo editing options, so I've played with Easter egg colors.)

Behinds one of those tantalizing gates
This is the Catholic Diocese's grounds -- right off of Broad Street.
Another shot of that pretty lawn
You can't go wrong with pansies
Here is a very formal side yard set up for outdoor dining. Sweet.
They decorated the tree they had. . .
A pretty little bed between the front entrance and the street.
Amaryllis grow in the yard down here.
Knock-out roses and the remains of a white azalea.
Who is this man? (I should talk - I have a plant stand with a lady's face . . .)
It's been a nice day here. Happy Easter, everyone!

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