Saturday, July 14, 2012

Cat in the Bag

Ethel has discovered a paperbag makes a great toy. She circles it, she bats at it, finally, she gets in it.

I lay down on the floor with the camera because she is so-o-o cute, but she decides she doesn't want to be cute for the camera.

I'll bet she wishes she could take MY picture.

Changing the subject, I bought this African Violet for $0.75 off the "almost dead" table at K-Mart.
Stay cool, friends. It's entirely too hot outside.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Doldrums. . .

It is so easy to get busy and not write anything here. We've had an incredibly mild summer until this past Wednesday when the heat and humidity call rolling in on us. We've had rain, tropical breezes and Super Moons causing lush tides.

 For a while it was most pleasant to get up a little early and go for a walk. . .

We will still try to get some walking in, but it's going to be more work now I'm afraid.

I have given up on knitting baby socks. I really tried, I'm turning my attention to other knitting and weaving projects and someday will come back to the tiny sock project.
This is as good as it got, and a better picture would show you that the heel still isn't right. (They're still pretty cute, aren't they?)

We went to an event at the Aquarium one night and saw not only fish, but Lemurs from Madagascar!

I love the 2-story fish tank at the Aquarium
I'm not sure why an Aquarium would have Lemurs, but they do. . . They are very busy, like to climb and have these very flashy tails. . .

This one wanted to get to know Duncan a little better. . .

And since we've shifted for sea life to four-footed animals, I'll close with a couple of pictures of daily activities of Fred and Ethel.

Ethel napping on the couch
Fred monopolizes the chair.
It's almost the 4th of July. . . time is flying.