Thursday, February 27, 2014

Lady Claire

Now this is what I had in mind when I moved to Charleston. . .
oh, yeah.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Trying to Ignore It's February

We've had two ice and snow "events" this year. Unheard of in these parts. Personally we experienced mostly cold rains, but all around us was winter wonderland mayhem. They have discovered that when ice starts to melt from the upper reaches of the Ravelnel Bridge, ice cycles drop like daggers onto cars below -- so the bridge was closed for days waiting for all the ice to melt.  That major artery closed meant huge traffic back-ups on all the alternate routes between Mount Pleasant and Charleston, so basically things were closed for business even though temperatures were in the 40s. Lord have mercy.

Winter Olympics are one time when I really miss having TV.  I got to watch a bit of women's downhill skiing and men's speed skating Wednesday night. I do like the way the world community is finding humorous ways to spank Russia for its hard line on gay and lesbian people. I have to think it will fuel the groundswell of acceptance here. Maybe not in South Carolina, but in the rest of the United States. I mean, come'on, don't we all have enough to worry about??

Meanwhile, knitting while watching House of Cards will get me through the rest of February.
Sweater for P. Murr, age 4. I hope he hasn't outgrown it. Adding a zipper was trickier than I would have thought.
Claire, who last season was dealing with her hot flashes by standing  with the refrigerator door open, now apparently wants very much to have a baby. Plus, she's being sued by someone claiming she was fired because she was pregnant. And that's not even the half of it.
Oh yeah, and at night I'm fighting the war in Viet Nam and WWI -- reading first, Rick Atkinson's The Long Gray Line following West Point's class of 1966, and now his Liberation Trilogy about the war in Africa, then Italy, then Western Europe. He's such a good writer. These non-fiction books feel like novels.