Saturday, August 23, 2008

Duncan's Birthday

Yesterday was Duncan's birthday so we gave him his due. Here he is with all his presents and cards. And evil brownies in lieu of a cake. We went down to Folly Beach for dinner. The plan was to eat too much and go for a long walk on the beach, but Hurricane Faye blew rain in steadily all day so it was too stormy for much beach walking. We drove through Folly though, and it looked nice there -- fewer people since school has started, things sort of buttoned down. We saw some surfers heading for the ocean, but they seemed to be about the only ones.

Here is Duncan's favorite card that came from his Aunt Mary. On the inside it says:

Another year closer to driving a gigantic car real slow with your little gray head peering over the dashboard!

He's not sure why she sent it to him though ;-)

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