Monday, March 14, 2011

Working on the Beach

We are down to the last 2 weeks of this crazy fitness program that is taking up all of our time. One woman on our team has a house at Folly Beach and she invited us for a beach workout and then a brunch on Saturday. It was a perfect day on the beach and fun to be anywhere but the gym!
Here we are in the flattering "Sumo Wrestler" position. Feet wider than shoulder width apart, deep bend in the knees, drop your rear as low as you can, keeping your weight in your heels. Now press your elbows into your thighs and just stay there for 30 seconds or a minute. Small wonder I chose this moment to go get the camera. Our trainer, Ryan, is 2nd from the left in the sunglasses and red headband. He has been tremendously helpful these weeks.

Duncan is playing his weight loss pretty close to his chest, but this week, I lost another 2.2 pounds and have lost a total of 15. 6. Whoo-hoo!
Me (holding a starfish), Ryan, Julia (intern at MUSC), Julia's boyfriend, Kyle, Cyndi, Duncan, and Kari

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