Sunday, May 22, 2016

It's been a rainy week here in Lake Lowcountry. Mom visited last week and helped me plant and/or repot some pots, so it looks a little more cared for around here. All the rain has helped all these new plants to relax and snuggle their roots down, down, down. Things have visibly grown in just 10 days.
Mom left me with explicit instructions to water and fertilize frequently. Mother Nature has been helping me out there.
Other wins have been that I'm feeling quite a bit better after a recent doctor visit confirming that my thyroid levels were totally out of whack, I got rid of many random partial sets of dishes and bought a nice set, so the cabinets are less cluttered. I've been for a walk most days, and a friend and I are going to start a weekly yoga class. I've figured out how to change my Kindle from mom's account to mine and I didn't lose the books she had bought. I've figured out how to download an audiobook, purchased from Audible, through Amazon, onto my Ipod (my new plan for walking entertainment). I spent a couple of mornings writing emails to SC Senators and Representatives for a friend who is trying to get a political appointment. And the Cubs are winning.

My knitting however is a bit at an impasse. I tried to do a sweater for a toddler, and made that unfortunate mistake of two balls of yarn from different dye lots. So reknit in a different yarn, and still not completely happy with the pattern's way of doing bringing the cap sleeve together under the arm.

I've been knitting a pair of socks with yarn purchased in the fall at SAFF. I was never happy with the first sock -- the cuff was not tight enough and it was overall too big. So after I got through with the 2nd sock where I corrected these issues, I unraveled the first and began to reknit. All was well until I realized I had not cast on enough stitches and this sock was going to be an entire pattern repeat smaller than its mate. So, I unraveled again, and am going at it for the 3rd time (surely the charm but I've lost interest).
For the coming week, my hope is to pull together the new lower deck to be a pleasant place to sit and enjoy coffee or a glass of wine. I'm going to do some spray painting and perhaps experiment with chalk paint.  Hmm fun times ahead.

Two weeks ago, I put this oblilisk-shaped trellis beside this clump of ivy.
It is already going for it!

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