Thursday, February 5, 2009

25 Random Things

  1. I am definitely a cat, not a dog, person.
  2. I like all things organizational -- lists, calendars, boxes baskets, files, bins, cubbies, anything color-coded. You can Christmas shop for me at Office Depot.
  3. I have always been very healthy. No broken bones, major illnesses or surgeries. I don't even get colds very often (knock on wood) but when I do, I am very pitiful.
  4. I can fold fitted sheets into perfect rectangles. I told you it would be random things.
  5. Sometimes, Chinese takeout is the very thing.
  6. Daffodils are my favorite.
  7. Oprah and I share a birthday.
  8. I do our taxes.
  9. I have a good family and they are all important to me, but I don't know what I would have done all these years without my friends.
  10. I believe there are two kinds of people. Those who turn the TV on and leave it on all the time, and those who turn it on to watch something specific and turn it off when that show is over. My theory is that these people ALWAYS marry each other. Eventually, one of them turns into the other kind.
  11. I am a Bob Dylan fan. Old Bob, new Bob. Admittedly, there was a bad stretch in the 80s.
  12. In my mind, Rainy Sunday Afternoon=Nap.
  13. I would like to cook up an economic theory that supports eating out all the time over grocery shopping and cooking at home. The high value of time makes it impractical to use it shredding cabbage, fishing spoons out of the garbage disposal and sorting good food/bad food in the refrigerator.
  14. I think people should say what they mean and mean what they say. Spit it out!
  15. I cry more when things are incredibly wonderful than when things are sad. Well, I cry at sad things too. OK, I cry easily.
  16. I think one of the reasons women don't run the world is because they take a month off every year to decorate for Christmas.
  17. The "Dancer Pose" continues to elude me.
  18. On recycling collection days, I've noticed our neighbors dispose of more beer, wine and liquor bottles than we do. Significantly more.
  19. Usually I think the book is better than the movie.
  20. I think planning who is going to bring what to a potluck dinner is ridiculous.
  21. I have noticed the things I worry about are not the things that happen.
  22. One of the things I miss since I've moved to Charleston is -- gossip. I still don't know enough people well enough to get the real low-down. And if I ever did, the likelihood of running into someone else who would care is remote. Your secrets are safe with me.
  23. I cannot believe I am not working.
  24. Whoever designed the envelope Netflix are mailed and returned in was very clever. I'll bet she or he did origami as a child.
  25. I love playing Scrabble, Scramble and Word Whomp.

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