Sunday, February 15, 2009

Full of love

I'm a little slow on the draw for Valentine's Day. After bragging in my last post about "I'm so healthy. . . I never even get colds. . ." I came down with a big head cold Tuesday night. I am one pitiful puppy when I can't breathe.

Debbie sent a wonderful e-mail to Mom and me -- sort of on the fly, but she heard a piece on the radio about Rogers and Hammerstein's love songs and she was just remembering how much we heard all those songs from the all the Broadway musicals when we were growing up and remembered how much Daddy really liked them. He used to tell us about seeing South Pacific in New York and the actress who sang "I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair!".

How did we hear all these songs often enough to now know them in our bones as if they were hymns. . . . Some Enchanted Evening. . . Nothing Like a Dame. . . Oh, What a Beautiful Morning. . . Getting to Know You. . . Bali Hai. . . If I Loved You. . .This Nearly Was Mine. . . If Ever I Would Leave You. . . A Wonderful Guy. . .

Debbie says ". . . I love thinking about that part of our shared lives, and I especially love that Daddy's such a lively part of thoses memories. . ." I think this is more in the spirit of Valentine's Day than anything Hallmark has to offer.

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